You can't beat the convenience of Amazon, but there's something nostalgic about department store Xmas shopping that is lacking today. Do you remember any of these?
A recent poll identified the "drunkest city" in New York and while we found it surprising, the drinking data for this popular Upstate New York city is overwhelming!
This might not come as a surprise to anyone who grew up in Upstate New York and has visited this city. If you asked anyone in the area to tell you what city they think was a top small city that made the list of the best in the United States, I think most people would say the same one. Now a poll is out that just proves it to the whole country.
I've decided that time management is a definite skill when you consider all that can happen to prevent you from being on time. Some people don't possess that skill and will be "late to their own funeral" as the saying goes. Are you one of those people? Take our poll.
WE can say it, but don't you dare talk that smack if you're NOT from Upstate!
Upstate New York life is good, but ask anyone who lives here and they'll tell you it's far from perfect. While most of us share in our love for the change of seasons, certain foods, topography, and gifts that are unique to our area, there are plenty of things we don't agree on.
New Yorker...
If you are inclined to observe St. Patrick's Day in ANY way, take the quick poll below to share how or IF you participate in anything St. Patrick's Day related on this special day.
On Monday, New York State's Governor, Kathy Hochul got the news she was looking for from the state's Appellate court as a full stay for her mandate of having people wear masks indoors in public places, unless businesses ask for proof of vaccination to allow people to go mask-free at that venue.
I think that most people skimp on something here and there. We either think we're too busy or just don't care enough at a given moment. Check out our list below of personal hygiene activities and remember, this is anonymous so please share with us which one you are the worst at keeping up with.
A lot of people are getting ready to take down the tree and decorations but there's no rule of thumb for when to do it. When do you take down your tree?