Daylight Saving Ends This Sunday
"Fall back, spring ahead", it's how we keep track of Daylight Saving and getting back to standard time which is what we're in for this weekend. Sunday night at 2 a.m. (EST), Daylight Saving comes to an end. Unless you are a late night owl, the easiest thing to do is set your clocks back one hour before going to bed on Saturday.
Daylight Saving has been a debate for the American public for quite a while. Some people love it and some say, leave the clocks alone! According to, Daylight Saving was put into place as a national standard in the 1960s, but it was used during World War I as a way of conserving energy. That energy conservation idea no longer seems to be true so does that mean that we continue to practice Daylight Saving simply because we've been doing it for so long? We may want to reconsider.
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