I can't believe I never saw this commercial before! It is not new but it is classic. Billy Crystal dressed as a turkey and Robert De Niro in pilgrim garb...lol!
It's the most relatable Disney's Frozen parody out there. Watch a woman ask her fellow students, "Do you wanna go to Starbucks?" while we take our coffee break.
We came across this funny cartoon that muses what would happen if wild animals ate fast food.
Obviously, we know what happens to adults -- we get fatter... and fatter... and fatter.
There's a new card from American Greetings that is making the rounds on the internet, and, well, we aren't quite sure what to make of it ourselves.
We do know this. It gets the point across.
PBS mainstay 'Mr. Wizard' was so crotchety back in the day that comedy writers Mike Schuster and Diane Bullock had to make two videos just to contain all of his hilarious put-downs and snide remarks directed towards his young sidekicks. (You can watch the first Mr. Wizard supercut here.).
"Name a yellow fruit." "Orange." It is answers like this that will get you included on a supercut of the worst answers in 'Family Feud' history.