Among the list of things we love most in this world, dogs and peanut butter rank toward the top. When the two are combined, it’s impossible not to think we have died and gone to doggy heaven. Think about it: if humans can’t get a grip on avoiding the whole peanut-butter-stuck-on-the-roof-of-our-mouths dilemma, how in the world can we expect a dog to do it? Give a pooch a spoonful of this stuff, an
Nothing pleases me more than seeing a serious movie or television show cut and made into a comedy. Similarly, I get a good laugh every time I see "Dumb and Dumber" recut as a horror trailer.
Here are 10 of my favorites:
I was once a cheat. I’ve cheated on many a board game. I cheated so much my grandmother once refused to play with me, complaining to my mother “He cheats!”
In this hilarious video, students at Costa Rica’s University of Peace are being lectured on something called “theory of change.” If it was anything like our college courses their minds are wandering and they’re getting a little drowsy. Then, suddenly, a cat crashes through the ceiling in the front of the room, sending the class into hysterics. Ceiling cat strikes again!
Roger Pion, 34, obviously had a beef with the Newport, Vermont police department! To get revenge over a perceived slight involving a marijuana arrest, he drove his farm tractor down to the police station and proceeded to flatten their fleet of police cars.
During a recent Class A minor league baseball game between the Daytona Cubs and the Fort Myers Miracles, public address announcer Derek Dye decided to have some fun with the umpires.
Bad idea.
There's nothing better than perusing a Craigslist page. Oneonta, while one of the smallest communities with a Craigslist page in the state, offers some hilarity, sadness and, of course, captivating oddities. Here's a list you're sure to enjoy: