I was recently rummaging through some of my old books from my childhood and came upon some great memories of curling up with my mom or dad and reading "Bread and Jam For Frances" by Russel Hoban.  It was obvious that the book had been pawed through many, many times.


Another one of my favorites: "Blueberries For Sal" by Robert McCloskey.  I can't even tell you how many times I read that book.  Too many to count.  It had special meaning for me since my dad would take me, my brother, and sister to a hill nearby that was filled with blueberry bushes every summer for delicious picking.


The last book, still intact from my childhood book collection is "Katy and the Big Snow" by Virginia Lee Burton.  Reading that book while snuggling up to Dad just made cold winter evenings seem magical.

These books are like old friends and I loved sharing them with my kids and can't wait to share them someday with grandchildren, if I'm lucky enough to have some. Seeing these old favorites again just reminds me how important it is to read with kids and how memories of that special time together will last a lifetime.


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