Have you ever gotten so desperate for a hair cut that you resorted to doing it yourself?  That's how far I let it get for me this past Saturday.  I hadn't had a haircut in months!  Having long hair I realize that I can get away with not having a trim for a while but it had definitely been way too long and the split ends were way too evident for my taste.

Since as we all know that you can find out how to do anything you want on YouTube, I of course searched how to cut your own long hair.  The video below is what I ending up using.



I cut off about 2 1/2 inches of hair length and what I ended up with was a little unexpected.  The cut was supposed to be slightly rounded in the back and instead it looked like a V shape in back.  It wasn't what I was going for and I was a bit disappointed that I didn't create the desired look but at least it was even.  The moral of the story for me: just because you can find out how to do something on YouTube, doesn't mean you should do it.  I'll be heading to the hair dresser for my next haircut.


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