I took on a dreaded task over the weekend: fixing a leaky kitchen sink faucet.  Why do I say dreaded?  Well, let's just say that plumbing and I don't mix.  Every time I have taken on a minor plumbing repair, the water always wins.  Sometimes I actually have success but not until after several hours of choice words, tons of frustration over poor access to the area needing to be fixed, not having the right tools, and water getting everywhere even though I shut it off tightly.  Sigh.

leaky faucet
leaky faucet

The job this time SEEMED easy.  Ha!  That's what the experts would have you believe.  That never ends up being the case, at least in my experience.  Simple jobs end up taking me hours, pushing me to the brink of sanity.  I think there's a finesse to plumbing that I just don't get.

My tools: water shutoff wrench, crescent wrench, allen wrench, turkey baster (to suck out leaking water in faucet when opened up)
My tools: water shutoff wrench, crescent wrench, allen wrench, turkey baster (to suck out leaking water in faucet when opened up)

Now before you call me a plumbing disaster because you think I don't really know what I'm doing, I did exactly what the video below instructed after buying and replacing ALL the parts in the darn faucet.

Guess what?  After all that, my faucet still leaks.  It's better than it was, but the faucet is still leaking.  Ahhhhhh!  Back to the drawing board.  No doubt, one little rubber gasket is not seated just so.


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