Actor John Cusack took to Twitter this weekend to share his unsettling experience with Chicago police as he tried to film the city’s protests that night. Cusack attempted to document the chaos that formed in the wake of George Floyd’s death in police custody. However, he was met with pushback from cops, who allegedly started hitting his bike in the process. While it’s hard to see anything clearly, you can hear the audio from the encounter:

Known for his roles in Say Anything, Being John Malkovich, and High Fidelity, Cusack has built a multi-decade career on his boyish charm and goofy relatability. From his 1980s days to his more recent role as the Beach Boys’ Brian Wilson in Love & Mercy, he’s always been a welcome face on the movie screen. The 53 year-old actor has since become very active on Twitter, with a total of 1.6 million followers to date. In a follow-up post, he shared that the police had begun using pepper spray on the crowd.

In his closing tweets, Cusack stated: “Would be very surprised if this is a one or two day event / this may well be the beginning of end of Trump loathsome era - thank god - feels like many streams of outrage coming to a head- a wave peaking -Chicago scene was about getting to Trump Tower most of day.” He also noted just how “truly terrible” it was out there, stating, “Packing it in - I hope people try to stay safe.”

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