Artic-Like Freeze for CNY Brings Frostbite and Hypothermia Danger
Get your warmest winter weather gear ready to go. Otsego County and Delaware County are bracing for dangerously low temperatures with a Wind Chill Advisory issued from the National Weather Service of Binghamton starting tonight and going until noon tomorrow for our area.
That means temperatures ranging between 15 and 24 below zero tonight for our area. Needless to say, with low temperatures like that, the risk for hypothermia and frostbite exists.
To prevent frostbite, the Mayo Clinic recommends wearing mittens instead of gloves to keep hands warm. Frostbite happens when skin "first becomes very cold and red, then numb, hard and pale." Exposed skin is most vulnerable to frostbite like your cheeks, chin, and nose but commonly; fingers, toes, and ears succumb most easily to frostbite. Frostbite can permanently damage tissue so best to prevent by being aware of your body and how it feels (or doesn't feel!).
If you have to be outside, limit time spent to avoid prolonged exposure and the potential for hypothermia and frostbite.
For more information on either of these two conditions visit www.mayoclinic.org.

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