A Facebook Scammer Tried To Reel Me In During My Radio Show!
I experienced a variety of internet scams over the years and it seems as time goes by the attempts become more frequent. A few months ago, my credit card number was stolen and just this morning, an attempt was made through Facebook Messenger, to scam me.
One of my Facebook Friends sent the following message to me...
The FTC They are assisting the Old, retired workers, non-workers, youths, business Enterprises, and Disabled, paying for bills, buying a home, starting their own business, going to school, or even helping raise their children. I don't know you have not heard about it ..It’s not advertised publicly tho, it is a new program that was established by the Federal Government with the conjunction of World Bank to help people in the society to meet up their needs. I got $150,000.00 delivered to me when I applied for the grant and you don't have to pay it back. you can also apply too. Have you heard of Agent John Clarence?
Once you apply now you will get your money in the next 24hrs also. Well,it happened to me too the same way when i first heard about it,but life is all about trust and believe,i did it with strong believe and faith and i was shocked,i know you will come to thank me soon for this great news i have just shared with you. Should I give you the online claiming agent number so you can apply and get your money also?
6505497904 text the agent now and tell him you heard from me that you also want to apply for it and get your money in the next 24 hours and thanks me later?
After sending back replies to my friend, I realized it wasn't her fairly quickly because she wasn't answering any of my questions. The biggest avoided question I asked was, where can I find out about this grant on-line? No response, just repeating prior information. Gotcha!
I hate to say it but scammers are trying to get our information all the time! When someone promises or offers you something that sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Scammers know how to play to our emotions and use all kinds of techniques to hook people.
Any accounts you have on-line are vulnerable. Experts say to change your passwords each month. I know, what a pain BUT it seems more important than ever with scammers becoming more aggressive with their attempts to hoodwink us all by either handing over our money or giving out private information (sometime unknowingly!). Facebook has become a popular way for scammers to get your contacts and reach out to all your friends while pretending to be you so be aware and PLEASE share this article with your friends to give them the heads up!