So it's raining again and your kids are bored and don't know what to do.  Here's help with inspired ideas for anyone to have fun in the rain.

  • Play a game in the rain: soccer, kickball, Bocci ball, Can Jam, etc.  It's all good and even more fun on a hot day in the rain.
  • Stomp around in puddles.  What kid doesn't love a good round of puddle jumping?  You can always put them in a bathing suit if it's warm enough.
  • Curl up with a good book or movie.  It's a great excuse to relax.
  • Go swimming. As long as there's no thunder and lightening why not?  You get wet swimming anyway.
  • Exercise in the rain.  Let's face it, it's refreshing and you'll stay cooler, especially on a very hot day.
rpscott123, flickr
rpscott123, flickr



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