I have a vivid memory of a TV commercial from not too long ago where a guy is at work, sitting in front of his computer and becomes so frustrated with it, that he picks it up and smashes it on the floor.  I have had that fantasy many, many times.  How about you?

There's a good reason most of us fantasize about smashing our computers because they can start acting up for seemingly no reason at any time.  Usually it happens when you are the busiest and need them to work the most.  I'm still debating whether or not I think computers are friend or foe.

I think my question may have been answered with the results of a new study that finds that constantly being online can make you crazy. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden recently studied more than 4,100 Swedish men and women between the ages of 20 and 24 for a year. The findings:

- A majority of people who constantly use a computer and mobile phones can develop stress, sleeping disorders and depression.

- More time on the computer leads to time pressure, neglect of social interaction, sleep, physical activity, as well as bad ergonomics, and mental overload.

- The study found a correlation between stress and always being available on the phone. Subjects had the feeling of never being free, and difficulties separating work and private life. Un-returned calls or messages led to overload and feelings of guilt.

- Daily computer gaming for 1-2 hours meant an increased risk for symptoms of depression in the women, the study found.

Believe it or not, there was a time not too long ago when people didn't have cel phones and internet.  Most of my life has been spent without those things so I feel that I can easily detach from those items after leaving work.  Most people I know can't and are attached to their cel phones and their facebook and e-mail.  If you can relate to any of the above symptoms, I would suggest taking a time out from all electronics for at least a hour during your day.  Then wait to see how good you'll feel.




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