Two SUNY Oneonta Students Take Home SUNY Chancellor’s Award
Two SUNY Oneonta students are among a select group of State University of New York students chosen to receive the 2013 SUNY Chancellor's Award for student excellence.
SUNY chancellor Nancy Zimpher presented the awards to the students at a reception in their honor at the Empire State Plaza Convention Center in Albany.
The Chancellor's Award for student excellence is the highest honor that SUNY bestows upon students. It is presented annually to students who demonstrate academic excellence and integrate it with accomplishments in other areas, such as: leadership, career achievement, campus involvement, athletics, community service, or creative and performing arts.
The two SUNY Oneonta students who received the 2013 award for student excellence are:
Emily Hunter, of Cooperstown, who has received numerous awards for academic achievement, including two honorable mentions in the college’s Maynard Redfield history essay contest. She also serves as treasurer of the college’s history club.
Dylan Nealis of Delhi, who has received numerous academic awards, including the honorable mention prize for SUNY Oneonta’s best research undertaken by an undergraduate in the 2011-2012 academic year, the 2011 Goodrich critical essay prize, an English department award recognizing the best essay in literary criticism for the academic year; and the New York State English council award.
Since 1998, when the chancellor’s award program was implemented, 70 SUNY Oneonta students have won the award for student excellence.