Three State Gun Show Operators Agree to Model Gun Show Procedures
Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced Sunday that three more gun show operators have agreed to follow the model gun show procedures developed by the Attorney General's Office to promote uniform gun show operations across the state.
As a result of these new voluntary agreements, 26 operators responsible for at least 55 gun shows in New York this year will implement model procedures designed to ensure that legally required background checks are completed on every sale of a firearm.
Schneiderman announced the new agreements following a tour of the Rochester gun show operated by Empire State Arms Collectors Association, his first visit to a gun show since taking office.
During the tour, Schneiderman was briefed by the show’s operators on the implementation of the model gun show procedures, including a rule that ensures all guns brought into the gun show by private sellers are tagged. The operator, upon exiting, can determine if guns were sold and that a proper background check was performed.