'This is 40' is a hilarious new comedy starring Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann as an older version of the couple they played in the equally funny 'Knocked Up.' It's basically an entertaining take on how married couples deal with life once they hit the daunting 4-0. Sure, things can get hard once you get up to that fourth decade, but we can't overlook the tough challenges one faces in the younger years. Introducing 'This is One.'

This parody trailer is an insightful (and comical) look at the ups and downs of a typical one-year-old. And to be completely honest, it's spot on. Listen, a little dude doesn't want to be told how many beers he can have, and there's no way he's doing the dishes. At the end of the day, the mini man just wants to "chillax" in a rocking chair. Seriously, is that too much to ask? Sheesh.

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