Beer, Soda, & Other Drinks To Get More Expensive In New York StateBeer, Soda, & Other Drinks To Get More Expensive In New York StateSome politicians in Albany think increasing the bottle deposit will help increase recycling while others think it will be a burden on the poor. Ed NiceEd Nice
Adultery Could Soon Be Legal in New YorkAdultery Could Soon Be Legal in New YorkProposed changes in New York State aim to make adultery legal in order to emphasize personal autonomy and equality in relationships.Traci TaylorTraci Taylor
“DIAPER” Act to Make Diapers Tax Exempt Passes State Assembly and Senate“DIAPER” Act to Make Diapers Tax Exempt Passes State Assembly and SenateDiapers may become a little more affordable for New Yorkers after the state assembly and state senate passed the "DIAPER" act.James KellyJames Kelly
New York State Assembly and Senate Pass Wage Transparency BillNew York State Assembly and Senate Pass Wage Transparency BillThe New York State Assembly and New York State Senate passed a bill that will have major implications for workplace salary transparency.James KellyJames Kelly
Next Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill Step – New Yok State Governor Hochul SigningNext Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill Step – New Yok State Governor Hochul SigningThe New York State Senate and Assembly have both passed a bill that bans the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet stores.Don MorganDon Morgan
Two Local Librarians Take Center Stage In Albany. Find Out Why…Two Local Librarians Take Center Stage In Albany. Find Out Why…Maria Johnson and Chris Sagaas are being recognized for outstanding service to to their local communities. State Sen. Peter Oberacker presented Certificates of Recognition to Johnson and Sagaas during a special ceremony in Albany.Don MathisenDon Mathisen
Senator Oberacker Urges More Rural Vaccine AvailabilitySenator Oberacker Urges More Rural Vaccine AvailabilitySpurred by a question from a Delaware County residentBIG CHUCKBIG CHUCK
Oberacker Replaces Senator Seward; Is Sworn InOberacker Replaces Senator Seward; Is Sworn InReplaces retiring Jim SewardBIG CHUCKBIG CHUCK
Senator Akshar Releases Survey on Reopening NYSSenator Akshar Releases Survey on Reopening NYS350 confirmed cases reported in his 52nd Senate DistrictBIG CHUCKBIG CHUCK
Senator Seward Now Off VentilatorSenator Seward Now Off VentilatorThese next few days will be criticalLeslie AnnLeslie Annallotsegoallotsego