As the pandemic circulates, many retailers have made the decision to close their stores on Thanksgiving so employees can spend time with their families.
People in stores are the worst on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year. Here is a look at the 10 absolute worst people you'll find in stores the day after Thanksgiving.
Here's the Saturday-after-Thanksgiving tradition: a smartphone video of a Black Friday riot. This is in Moultrie, GA, and the swarms of people are grabbing cheap pay-as-you-go smartphones. But it's not the only shame to be happening, as the clip you've seen elsewhere isn't legit.
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration is encouraging retail employers to take precautions to prevent worker injuries during Black Friday and other major sales events during the holiday season.
There's been a lot of talk lately about Black Friday since it is quickly approaching this Friday and also talk about the fairness of making employees work on Thanksgiving Day. Walmart workers started to walk off the job last week in Southern California and Seattle, protesting low wages, spiking healthcare premiums, and alleged retaliation from management.
Have you been thinking that it's just crazy that big retail stores are now opening on Thanksgiving in an attempt to draw early Black Friday shoppers? You are not alone.