Surprising Results On What Wine New Yorkers Love Best
Are you a wine drinker? Then today is the day for you! May 25th is National Wine Day and a time to relax and enjoy your favorite glass of wine. You might be surprised to know after a poll of 1000 people from New York State done by, that New Yorkers drink mostly dry, red wine (35%), followed by 22% preferring sweet red, and then 17% liking rose.
How do they like to enjoy it? Most surveyed, just like to relax with a glass of wine at home, followed by having it with friends and with a meal at home.
40% of wine consumers said they just drink wine once a month, 22% said more than once a week and 17% only on special occasions.
Where do you fall in all this? I'm more of a white wine drinker but I also enjoy red. This time of year, I love a nice light white or blush wine. Cheers!