Remember when most vehicles were rear wheel drive and on a snowy day, you'd jump in the car and head to the nearest parking lot or open space to cut some donuts in the snow with your car?  I used to love doing that!  It was as close to being a stunt driver (in a safe way) that I was ever going to get.

My favorite car to do donuts in was my dad's column-shift Hornet.  That Hornet was the first car I learned how to drive in.

I was a teen driver at the time and my dad would let me take that out and "tear it up", with no one around of course.  He wasn't worried since it was a real beater of a car and I wasn't going fast.

Every once in a while, when I look out upon a snowy morning, I'll get a touch of nostalgia about those free-wheelin' days behind my dad's Hornet.

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