Otsego County Law Enforcement Task Force Plans Forum
The Otsego County Law Enforcement Task Force is planning a forum Wednesday, March 3, at the county board’s monthly meeting, according to AllOtsego. The forum will unveil the task force's review of Otsego County Sheriff Department procedures and policies, as was mandated by Governor Cuomo last June. All municipalities in New York State with police departments were required by the state to appoint citizen boards and were tasked with making recommendations in police department policies to be reviewed and approved by local village, town and county governments, and then submit those to state officials by April 1.
The Otsego County Law Enforcement Task Force has been meeting since last October and is chaired by David Bliss. Its members include: Sheriff Richard J. Devlin, Jr., County Rep. Dan Wilber(chairs the Public Safety & Legal Affairs Committee), District Attorney John Muehl, Public Defender Mike Trossett, Probation Director Dan Naughton, NAACP local chapter President Lee Fisher, and Ameen Aswad (oversees Catholic Charities Alternatives to Incarceration program).
The public will be able to view the presentation via the Otsego County, NY Facebook page, and comment via email or mail through the week following the forum.
For more on this story provided in partnership with AllOTSEGO, click here.