It’s Ramp Season in Otsego County, New York
What costs around $35 per pound on the retail market and may be growing right in your back yard as you read this? Ramps of course! They're found all over our region and now is the time to pick them. If you can't find any, some local farmers and foragers have them for sale.
Allium tricoccum, commonly referred to as ramps or wild leeks, thrives as a native wild onion in the woodlands of eastern North America. With its distinctively pungent fragrance and subtle yet flavorful profile, this perennial plant is highly prized by both foragers and chefs.
In the early days of spring, ramps blanket the forest floor in lush, verdant foliage, thriving in the fertile, moist soil of their woodland habitats. While their bulbous roots resemble those of scallions, their taste boasts a unique blend of onion with hints of garlic, offering culinary enthusiasts a versatile ingredient from root to leaf.
Across many regions, the act of harvesting ramps has transformed into a yearly tradition, often celebrated through festivals and communal gatherings. Yet, the surge in their popularity has sparked concerns regarding unsustainable harvesting practices and habitat degradation, underscoring the need for conservation efforts to safeguard their continued existence.
Beyond their culinary appeal, ramps have been esteemed for their medicinal attributes, boasting a rich array of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and C. Traditionally, they've been utilized to alleviate various ailments, such as colds and digestive issues.
Despite their widespread availability locally, ramps maintain their status as a culinary delicacy, with their brief harvesting season enhancing their allure. Emblematic of springtime in eastern North America, ramps hold a cherished place in the hearts of many, symbolizing the interconnectedness of nature, nourishment, and community.