Oneonta Lower Reservoir Dam Getting Upgrades
Clean water, readily available whenever we want it - something most of us take for granted. We've always been able to enjoy that in Oneonta thanks to a hard working group of people who are continuing to make sure it stays that way. In fact right now, work is well underway to repair and upgrade the lower reservoir dam according to Oneonta Mayor, Gary Herzig. He says this work "will protect our water supply for decades to come."
The annual water quality report comes out in November. Last year the report revealed good marks and compliance with water quality standards set by the state.
How does Oneonta get its water? According to the 2018 Working Water Quality Report, our water source is surface water drawn from Wilber Lake and the Lower Reservoir that are located off Upper East Street, and the Catella Park Well located in Neahwa Park. The water flows by gravity from the Lower Reservoir, and is pumped from Catella Park Well (when in use), through the Water Treatment Plant. After filtration, disinfection, pH adjustment, fluoridation, and corrosion control treatment, the water is pumped to the storage tanks and the distribution system, ending up in people's homes.
You may be aware of the work being done on Oneonta's water system infrastructure. The following is a list from the city on all the planned improvements related to our drinking water in 2019:
- Lawn Ave Water Main Replacement
- Main St Water Main Replacement (Hunt St to East End Ave)
- Misc. Distribution System Gate Valve Replacements
- Engineering Report on Pressure Reducing Valve Operation
- Lower Reservoir Dam Repairs & Improvements
- Engineering Design for Wilber Lake Dam Repairs & Improvements
- Water Treatment Plant SCADA Upgrade
- Water Treatment Plant Fluoridation Equipment Upgrade
- Water Treatment Plant Chlorine Metering Pump Replacement
- Water Treatment Plant MIOX Rate Control Valves
- UV 254 Analyzer
- Backwash Control Valves Replacement
- Filtered Water Tank Ladder Replacement
- Roofing for generator set
- HFS System Upgrade
- Rewire Hubbell Water Heaters
- Rewire PACl transfer pump and backup chlorinator