The votes are in and kids across the country have nominated front line heroes that are now available in the new American Girl Doll Heroes collection. There are five new dolls and here are the ones receiving a custom-made American Girl doll. According to, Mattel, which owns the American Girl Dolls, asked kids throughout the country to nominate front line heroes that have made a difference in their lives. The contest was called Heroes with Heart which was created to honor and thank those who have put their lives at risk during the pandemic.

American Girl has named five people on the front lines to honor with their own doll. They are receiving their own one-of-a-kind custom doll along with an outfit in their likeness as a gift to them. They also received a two hundred dollar American Girl gift card.

Here are the winners:

April: She is an EMS worker from Virginia who has fifteen years of experience who also contracted Covid-19 and after she recovered, she went right back to work on the front lines. Her niece nominated her and in her submission said that sometimes April didn't have enough protective equipment while helping others.

Xavier: A seventeen-year-old grocery store clerk who was nominated by his sister. She said he worked five days a week while he suffered from asthma which carried a high risk during the pandemic.

Pam: A classroom of students nominated this teacher. She made visits to each of her students' houses with books, an encouraging sign, and a warm smile.

Sarah: She is a nurse assistant that was nominated by her granddaughter. She said that she spent time feeding the homeless in her community and was dedicated to her patients.

Laurent: His daughter nominated him for volunteering to fly a team of American doctors to Haiti to help them fight the coronavirus. He helped return Americans back to the states.  He is a pilot for Spirit Airlines.

To see the entire group of front line hero American Girl dolls, click HERE.

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