Leslie Ann’s Nostalgic Summertime Fun
During the summer, I can't help but think back to my childhood and remember all the fun activities I enjoyed. Kids are still enjoying some of these same summer pastimes in this day and age but it seems like some things have fallen by the wayside. I just want to share my favorites:
- Slip 'n slide and running under the sprinkler on a hot day
- Watermelon seed spitting (today, it's hard to find watermelon with seeds big enough to spit!)
- Biking pretty much everywhere
- Swimming at the swimming hole with the rope swing
- Campfires and s’mores (what's not to love?)
- Going to the county fair
- Playing fun outdoor games: croquette, badminton, kickball, baseball, frisbee, tetherball, jarts, etc.
- catching frogs, salamanders, and fireflies
- playing hide n' seek and kick-the-can
- canoeing
- camping
- fishing
- catching crayfish in the creek
- swinging from the homemade swing hanging from a tree branch
- climbing trees
- building tree forts
- ice cream at the ice cream shop!
After reminiscing about all the things I used to love doing in the summer as a kid, I was surprised at how long the list was! Can today's kids come up with a list this long? I doubt it.