Huge Turnout For Otsego County Hazardous Waste Day
It was a problem that the Otsego County officials didn't mind having: a huge turnout for the county's Hazardous Waste Day. According to AllOTSEGO, the traffic was backed up heading to the disposal site at the Meadows Office Complex for 3/4 of a mile with a wait up to 90 minutes long for some residents.
Otsego County Solid Waste Executive, Karen Sullivan, attributes the large turnout to plenty of event advertising. Volunteers and county staff were at the event taking everything from used paint, to e-waste, to leftover prescriptions to be properly disposed of or in the case of paint, recycled for re-use.
Delaware County residents will get their chance during Clean Sweep 2019 coming up on October 26 in Delhi.
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