Call me sentimental, call me an Optimist, call me what you will but when I saw something I have never seen before, I couldn't help but feel over joyed. I am speaking of a Baltimore Oriole, which flew through my yard this morning.  There was absolutely no mistaking the bright orange plummage.  First of all, and important to this anicdote, I have NEVER laid eyes on a real live Oriole.  I have of course seen them in pictures and books but never actually laid eyes on one.  Now I must admit that since the Oriole flew by me and never landed within my sight, I did not catch a photo of it.  The photo below is not the Baltimore Oriole that I saw.  To catch an actual image of that bird would have been like asking for the moon, at least in my eyes.    I very much enjoy nature in general and to spot something which in my experience is very rare, was a thrill indeed. To me, it was a sign of good luck to sight something so rare and beautiful.  It certainly set an amazing tone for the day, heck, the whole weekend!  Is that superstitious of me?  Who cares!  I say, we take those rare moments of seeing something special and hold onto them with a death grip.  Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there and may you see something rare and amazing this weekend too.


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