Today, June 8th is "Banana Split Day" and what better way to celebrate than to share with you my very true, whopper of a tale, Banana Split craving story.  Picture this: The year is 2001, it's night time in the dead of winter, freezing cold and with almost blizzard conditions.  The roads are terrible and I'm about 7 months pregnant with my first child.  It wasn't the kind of pregnancy where I was glowing and smiling with joy like some women describe.  It was very uncomfortable with my baby's foot or elbow jabbing my ribs and having a party inside my belly most of the time.  Needless to say, given that I was typically uncomfortable and looking for ANYTHING enjoyable to take my mind off it, on that particular snowy evening, I had a severe hankering for a banana split. Now when I mean severe hankering, I mean that I HAD TO HAVE IT!

I begged my husband to go out into the cold, blowing snow night and get me a banana split.  He did his share of hemming and hawing and finally, he probably took a long gaze at my very large protruding belly and with a stab of guilt mixed with just trying to make his uncomfortable wife happy, he ventured out bravely.  Lucky for him, Friendly's was less than a mile away from our house.  He just had to make it there and back safely with my precious banana split.  You ask, was I concerned for his safety considering the dangerous, slippery road conditions?  Nope.  I just wanted that banana split and I wanted it BAD!  Come hell or high snow drifts, I needed that banana split to make it through the night.

I guess grace was on my husband's side that night because he made it back with my coveted super duper banana split sundae without too much time passing.  I will tell you, that was the very best ice cream sundae I have enjoyed to this very day and I will never forget what lengths my husband went to, just to bring me a bowl of joy on that cold winter's night.

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