
Farmers Concerned Lowering Overtime Hours May End Small Farms
Farmers Concerned Lowering Overtime Hours May End Small Farms
Farmers Concerned Lowering Overtime Hours May End Small Farms
It's no secret life on a farm is tough. Working from long before the sun comes up to long after it goes down, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. There's no time for sick days or even vacation. And there's no overtime pay until after 60 hours. But that may soon change in New York and it's not all good news.
State Farmers Donated 5.3 Million Pounds to Food Bank in 2012
State Farmers Donated 5.3 Million Pounds to Food Bank in 2012
State Farmers Donated 5.3 Million Pounds to Food Bank in 2012
New York farmers once again display their giving spirit by dropping off truckloads of locally grown food to the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York. The event is in conjunction with the start of New York Farm Bureau’s annual state meeting in Albany. Members and supporting food companies give as part of a yearlong effort to feed the hungry across the state.

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