Today is Nerd/Geek Pride day.  Now don't be in denial, EVERYONE has a smidgeon of geekiness in them.  Maybe you still play Dungeons and an adult.  Maybe your idea of a good time is spending a Friday night in front of your computer playing "Angry Birds"  with total strangers on the internet.  Are you living vicariously through the D list celebrities on "Dancing With The Stars"?  Are you still wearing skinny jeans because honestly, no one looks good in those. Are you a die hard Treky?  Well, whatever geek-like qualities you possess, "Let your Geek Flag Fly" as my friend Jo likes to say and be proud!  It's the one day that people are not allowed to make fun of you.  If you really want to live it up, try to get your hands on a copy of  "Revenge of the Nerds" from 1984.  But be warned, it won't be as good as you remembered as a teenager.  It begs to be watched with a buddy and a six pack for maximum enjoyment.  I can't think of a better way than that to celebrate "Nerd/Geek Pride Day".

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