On the evening of January 9th, I found myself channeling flipping on my TV and landed on Fox's "Stars in Danger: The High Dive".  After watching this mind numbing program for about 10 or 15 minutes (I was hoping it was going to get better?) I'm fairly certain that I thought, "This is the dumbest show I've ever seen. Why would anyone watch this?  Who really cares if any given celebrity can dive?"  Needless to say I would never tune in to this type of show ever again.  It's just way too boring.

I wonder if Fox was just testing to see if this idea would fly but just showing this as a one time special?  I'm not sure what they were thinking when they picked their celebrities --the list is lame at best.  Here's who they had on: "Jersey Shore" star JWOWW; former "Baywatch" actors Alexandra Paul and David Chokachi; professional surfer Bethany Hamilton; ex-NFL star Terrell Owens; "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" Kim and Kyle Richards; and actor Antonio Sabato Jr.  Well, since I have never watched any of the shows those actors where/are on, and don't follow surfing, I didn't know ANY of the celebrities featured in the show.  Oh wait, I did know who Terrel Owens is.  Whoop-di-doo.

If you're wondering who came up with this barn burner of an idea for a show, it was ripped of a German TV show.  I'm not sure any our America's reality shows are original ideas.  It seems we borrow our ideas from the rest of the world.  Fox, do us all a favor and don't bother bringing back "Stars in Danger: The High Dive".

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