This Public Meeting May Be Your Last Chance To Comment on Oneonta Police Reforms
The next step in adopting revisions to current Oneonta Police Department policies is coming right up. The Oneonta Common Council approved the police reform plans created by the Community Advisory Board in the spring. This action was in response to Governor Andrew Cuomo ordering all 320 local governments across the state on June 1, 2020 to come up with police reforms following the death of Minneapolis resident George Floyd while in police custody.
The Oneonta police reform plan was emailed to the Governor’s Office just four hours shy of the state's deadline of midnight, April 1, 2021. The other local governments that needed to submit plans The Village of Cooperstown and Otsego County had also submitted their plans.
Here is what is happening next with the implementation of the City of Oneonta’s initiative to Reform and Reinvent Policing, chaired by Council Member Mark Drnek. The public will be provided with an opportunity to comment on the draft plan at a public hearing scheduled for 7:30 pm during the Tuesday, September 21 Council Meeting. Comments will be allowed to be made in person at City Hall during that meeting or through Zoom. To participate in the Zoom meeting, use the access information below.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84300621167?pwd=V2JGbE54ZThsc25SYU0raTF2MCs5dz09
Meeting ID: 843 0062 1167
Passcode: 495847
To review the City of Oneonta Police Department Reform and Reinvention Collaborative's Report of Recommendations to Oneonta Common Council, click here.
KEEP READING: See changes enacted since George Floyd’s death
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