The Most Unique & Memorable Zip Code In The U.S. Is In Upstate New York
When it comes to a zip code being memorable, more than likely it's because you've just memorized it. In the case of one zip code in Upstate New York, there's no way to forget it.
What is it that can make a random five-number sequence memorable though? Repetitious numbers certainly could do it, it is easy to remember repeating numbers. That isn't the case for the most memorable in the United States though. No repeating numbers. So, what makes the number associated with the city pictured above so memorable? Well, we will get to that in a moment.
But First... It Isn't The Most Famous In The United States
That designation has to go to Beverly Hills, California. If for no other reason than if you ask someone what the zip code is, without ever living there they quite possibly would be able to tell you, 90210. That, of course, is all thanks to the massively popular TV show from the late 1990s, Beverly Hills 90210.
While memorable, it took a TV show to make it memorable.
You've Been Waiting For It, What NY Zip Code Is Most Memorable?
As you see with that picture, the city nicknamed the Electric City has the zip code 12345, a zip code that definitely is easy to remember. The whole aspect of Schenectady having that nickname of the Electric City is because of the General Electric headquarters being there and being founded there.
There Is Another Fun Fact About That Zip Code Too
It actually isn't designated to Schenectady, per se, it is designated only to the General Electric campus, and that only. The more you know.
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