Daylight Savings Time Begins This SundayDaylight Savings Time Begins This SundayWe turn the clocks forward one hour to begin Daylight Savings Time this weekend.Leslie AnnLeslie Ann
Time to Change Your ClocksTime to Change Your ClocksTwo-thirds of all fire deaths occur in homes with no smoke alarms or non-working smoke alarmsLeslie AnnLeslie Ann
Daylight Savings Time Begins This SundayDaylight Savings Time Begins This SundayThis is something you don't want to forgetLeslie AnnLeslie Ann
Daylight Savings Time Begins This SundayDaylight Savings Time Begins This SundayRemember the adage "Spring forward, Fall back"? That of course refers to the two time changes each year when we either turn our clocks forward or back to adjust to either Standard time or Daylight Savings Time.Leslie AnnLeslie Ann