New York Farm Bureau members attended the Farm Bill Now rally in Washington, DC, last week, pushing for quick action on the 2012 Farm Bill before the current bill expires at the end of September.
State comptroller Thomas DiNapoli released a report at the New York State Fair on Monday that says that New York State continues to be a leading agricultural state with over 36,000 farms producing 4.7 billion in products annually.
New York Farm Bureau commends Rep. Bill Owens’ efforts to get much needed language helping New York apple growers into the overall House version of the Farm Bill.
A friend tipped me off to this video that all the rage on the internet right now. If you've ever heard the song "I'm Sexy and I Know it" then you will LOVE this parody done by three young farmers, the Peterson Farm Brothers, in Kansas. Everyone can appreciate this video in my opinion. It's funny!