The CDC is recommending you should heat your meat before you eat following a national salmonella outbreak related to meats used in popular charcuterie boards.
When I say that this is a deeply personal subject, I mean I am profoundly grateful to God and my medical team for getting me through it and that I do not wish this disease on anybody.
On Friday, June 4, NYS school students and staff believed they wouldn't have to wear a mask indoors anymore starting on Monday, June 7. Then, everything changed.
Hmmm, we might not need that plethora of wipes, cleaners, and disinfectant spray taking up prime real estate in our kitchen and bathroom cupboards. The CDC says plain old soap and water will do the job.
If I could book a flight and go on vacation, I would do it in a heartbeat. I think I speak for almost everyone when I say I need a vacation. I just want to fly somewhere to get away for a while. We have been cooped up too long. Now the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) may make it even easier.