State Senate Passes Two Bills Aimed at Helping Veterans
State Senator James Seward announced Wednesday Senate passage of a package of legislation to help New York’s military veterans achieve success in business, employment and education.
A bill sponsored by Senator Seward that would exempt veterans organizations from paying taxes on heating fuel was part of the package. Currently, religious and charitable organizations are exempt from paying tax on non-highway diesel motor fuel used for heating purposes. However, veteran’s organizations are required to pay the tax up-front and apply for a refund.
The Senate also passed the Veterans Employment Act, co-sponsored by Senator Seward, that would grant veterans the right to temporary appointments by state agencies, rather than using temporary employment service companies.
Earlier this year, the Senate successfully fought to expand the PFC Joseph Dwyer Peer-to-Peer Veterans Counseling Program. The Dwyer Program provides peer-to-peer counseling between veterans who personally understand the effects of post traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury.
In addition, the Senate proposed and established in the state budget a new tax credit to any business that hires a veteran returning home from military service.
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