The Future for Oneonta Foundation has released the 2019 Properties of Merit Winners.  These awards are given annually to residential and business property owners who have been nominated.  See the winners below:

Residential City - 13 Walling Blvd

13 Walling Ave. (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)
13 Walling Ave. (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)

Residential Town (a tie!) - 68 Country Club Dr & 306 Southside Dr

68 Country Club Rd. (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)
68 Country Club Rd. (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)


306 Southside Dr. (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)
306 Southside Dr. (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)

Historic - 136 Baker Hill Rd, West Oneonta

136 Baker Hill Rd. (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)
136 Baker Hill Rd. (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)

Most Improved - 52 Dietz St

52 Dietz St. (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)
52 Dietz St. (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)

Landscaping (City) - 67 Woodside Ave

67 Woodside Ave. (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)
67 Woodside Ave. (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)

 Landscaping (Town) - 270 Winney Hill Road

270 Winney Hill Rd. (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)
270 Winney Hill Rd. (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)

New/Most Improved Business - Wise Guys Sammy's / Wise Guys Scoops

Wise Guys Sammys (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)
Wise Guys Sammys (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)

 Business - Wolf Wilde Goldsmith

Wolf Wilde Goldsmith (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)
Wolf Wilde Goldsmith (Credit: FOF Properties of Merit, facebook)


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