After posting a few teaser clips, Pink Floyd have unveiled the complete electronic press kit for their upcoming album 'The Endless River,' offering a nine-minute glimpse of how the music came together and what it means to surviving members David Gilmour and Nick Mason.

"You have to get into the right mood to listen to this," cautions Gilmour at one point, describing the mostly instrumental record, due Nov. 10, which rose out of what Mason refers to as "ambient" pieces that the band tracked while recording 1994's 'Division Bell' LP. "There are lots of people who still love to listen to music that way -- listen to a whole piece all the way through and get really into the mood of the whole thing, rather than listening to shorter pieces. This is for them, really."

"There are ideas there that actually can almost be seen in some of the really early albums, in terms of assembly of music that is not in regular song format," adds Mason, with Gilmour affirming, "It comes from all sorts of ideas, and some of it is improvised. Quite a bit of it is, actually. But some of it is also half-written ideas that one of us had come up with and that we had rehearsed and considered as a start point for something." Adds Mason, "The process of putting this together has taken a long time. I mean, it's probably been a two-year project, plus. So I can see why we weren't able to do it at the time."

Unlike a number of Floyd albums, 'The Endless River' is content to be a collection of songs rather than a concept album. "The only concept is the concept of Rick [Wright] and Nick and I playing together in a way that we had done way, way in the past but kind of forgotten ... it was instantly familiar," muses Gilmour. "Everyone who works in music tends to have a palette that is theirs and that they use -- they're never going to sound like someone else. We're certainly not going to sound like anyone else. It's inevitable. The sum is greater than the parts."

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