Oneonta Unanimously Approves Police Reform Recommendations
After a public hearing last Thursday, the Oneonta Common Council approved the police reform plans created by the Community Advisory Board. This action was in response to Governor Andrew Cuomo ordering all 320 local governments across the state on June 1, 2020 to come up with police reforms following the death of Minneapolis resident George Floyd while in police custody.

According to AllOTSEGO, the Oneonta police reform plan was emailed to the Governor’s Office just four hours shy of the state's deadline of midnight, April 1. The other local governments that needed to submit plans The Village of Cooperstown and Otsego County have also submitted their plans. The next step is for the Oneonta Board to come up with a timeline for implementing the reforms and the goal is to have that completed by June 1. Council member Len Carson says that the committee will likely meet at least once a week leading up to June 1st. Those meetings, likely to be held on Tuesdays will be open to the public with a public hearing held before a final vote on the proposed reform plan.
Get more on this story from our publishing partner AllOTSEGO here.
KEEP READING: See changes enacted since George Floyd’s death
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