Oneonta SantaCon Results in 3 Hospitalizations
If you were anywhere near Downtown Oneonta this past Saturday, you may have noticed quite a number of college students dressed in Santa-like outfits, stumbling around the streets much of the day. What you witnessed was the annual "SantaCon" drinking event which resulted in three students ending up in the hospital due to alcohol poisoning.
According to AllOTSEGO, two students ended up in the Intensive Care Unit with a blood alcohol lever above 0.5 percent. According to Oneonta Police Chief Doug Brenner, “.4 is usually fatal”. Saturday, three SUNY Oneonta students were transported to Bassett Hospital with dangerous blood alcohol levels. One 21-year-old male was found unconscious on the lawn of a residence on Grove St. at 3:15 p.m. and transported to Bassett in Cooperstown. The condition of those three individuals is not known at this time.
Chief Brenner puts out a reminder to students and residents that “Good Samaritan” laws are in place to protect anyone who calls for help when they see someone in trouble.
For more on this story provided in partnership with AllOTSEGO, click here.
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