Governor Cuomo was expected to give the green light for phase 2 reopening in our Mohawk Valley Region which includes Otsego County but it didn't happen as expected today.  Our publishing partner AllOTSEGO spoke with Oneonta Mayor Gary Herzig and found out more about what this means for Oneonta, Otsego County and other surrounding counties which have been in Phase 1 of reopening.

According to Herzig, the Governor failed to deliver guidelines for Phase 2 reopening of businesses since “guidance is still being written by the epidemiologists and scientists." The Governor's Office states those guidelines will arrive no later than Saturday, May 30.

When the guidelines come through and Phase 2 can begin, Herzig says malls can’t open, although stores with outside entrances may open. Otherwise, offices and stores can open under social distancing guidelines. For retail, that means allowing a 50% capacity when it comes to customers, with shoppers and employees wearing masks, and employees will be screened for COVID-19. Barbers and hairstylists will be able to open with certain restrictions.

To find out more about Phase 2 reopening in New York State visit

This story has been provided in partnership with AllOTSEGO.

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