Oneonta History Center Closes Until April 2022 For Major Renovations
A lot has changed since the Greater Oneonta Historical Society (GOHS) began back in 1939 and the oldest building on Oneonta's Main Street which is home to the Oneonta History Center is about to get a big facelift with renovations early in 2022.
Recently I spoke with GOHS' Director, Dr. Marcela Micucci, who as an Oneonta native who returned to the town of her childhood after the COVID-19 pandemic kicked in, was very excited to share with me some big projects that are about to take place at the history center while it's closed from January 1 through April of 2022.
According to Micucci, the renovations will include the gift shop, entryway, and temporary and permanent exhibition spaces. After being a recipient of the Humanities NY Sharp Action Grant, GOHS is able to fund a new permanent exhibition to be called “Small Community, Big Ideas: Greater Oneonta” which will update the former permanent exhibition with new materials not seen before at the History Center.
While the Oneonta History Center is closed, you can learn all kinds of cool facts about the history of Oneonta through a series of virtual GOHS tours:
"Up From the Ashes"
"100 Years of Architecture in Oneonta"
"The Oneonta '49ers"
"Oneonta & Urban Redevelopment Exhibition"
"The State Militia & the National Guard in Oneonta, 1812-2003 Exhibition"
"Oneonta Theatre Exhibition"

Here's something I learned from one of the tours - did you know that the historic building that is home to Oneonta's city hall started out as a post office? After a new post office was built (where it is now at 352 Main St.), the old building was slated to be demolished but community opposition saved it and it became Oneonta's city hall. It's true! I discovered that fact and many more related to historic Oneonta buildings after visiting gohstours.com/3d.html.
These virtual tours are well worth checking out since you may find out some historical information that will surprise you. I know I did!
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