New Evidence Presented in Decatur Woman Accused of Killing Twins
In a suppression hearing in Otsego County Court on Monday, according to AllOTSEGO, District Attorney John Muehl told Judge John Lambert that Kimberly Steeley, the 27-year-old Decatur woman accused of smothering her twins Bonde and Liam in June of 2018, did so by falling asleep while in bed with the children.
Muehl said, “She told police she nodded off in bed with them. She was reckless, and there is evidence that she was abusing prescription medication to the point of intoxication while she was caring for them.”
Muehl made a request to the judge that Steeley’s three DUI convictions, including one in the Town of Maryland in January 2018, five months before the twins’ deaths, should be used as evidence to her recklessness in her upcoming trial.
Back in May 2019, Steeley was indicted by the Otsego County Grand Jury on two counts of second-degree manslaughter in the deaths of her twins who were not quite a month old at the time of their deaths. An autopsy listed the deaths of both children as asphyxiation.
Steely is currently free on a $100,000 bond. The DA offered a plea deal that was declined and if she's convicted, she could face up 15 years of incarceration.
For more on this story provided in partnership with AllOTSEGO, click here.