Local County and New York State Coronavirus Update
The number of coronavirus cases in New York State rose a whopping 35% in one day according to Governor Cuomo's Office yesterday. COVID-19 known cases statewide went from 105 to 142. In an effort to discourage price gouging on hand sanitizer, Cuomo announced the state will distributing it at no cost to high risk communities and to state agencies. 100,000 gallons of the alcohol-based sanitizer is to be produced.
Currently, there are still no cases reported in Otsego, Chenango and Delaware Counties. The Otsego County Department of Health has created a coronavirus information page at otsegocounty.com. Officials also recommend liking and sharing the Otsego County Department of Health facebook page. The Department of Health also has a smartphone app where notifications are sent when updates are posted.
New Yorker’s can also call 1-888-364-3065 with questions or concerns about travel and symptoms. Or get the latest information about where confirmed coronavirus cases in New York State are at health.ny.gov/diseases/communicable/coronavirus.
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