Bride Caught Telling Guests to Put Their Phones Away While Walking Down Aisle
Not everyone apparently thinks weddings are all about the bride.
A video of a bride has gone viral after she was seen telling her guests to put their phones away while walking down the aisle. But was this really necessary?
Bride's Instructions To Guests
A short video clip from a wedding was recently shared by an Australian-based photography and videography business called Maple & Mist.
In the video, all of the guests are seated, the music is playing and the bride is making her grand entrance. Instead of her eyes being fixed on who she is about to marry, the bride is instead telling attendees to stop recording and taking photos.
"Put your phones away. Come on!" the bride says while also trying to maintain a smile.
Sadly, the guests should have known better. This wasn't the first time they had been asked that day to keep their phones out of sight during the ceremony.
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"The guests were also asked by the celebrant before the ceremony to keep their phones away as requested by the couple," Maple & Mist wrote on their Instagram.
Should Wedding Guests Be Allowed To Use Phones?
Today.com spoke with photographer Khyla Nixon from Maple and Mist who said this was the first time she had seen a bride's request for no cell phones be blatantly ignored at this level.
"So normally a bride will probably see it happening but just sort of ignore it at the moment and maybe talk about it later but she was flat out like, 'I'm saying something,'" Nixon told the website.
The photography business asked its followers on social media how they felt about people's phones being out during wedding ceremonies. The results were surprisingly mixed.
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"My wedding was yesterday and our officiant announced to put phones away," one Instagram account wrote. "I did NOT spend thousands of dollars to see phones!"
Another didn't understand why the bride wasn't directing all of her attention toward the ceremony as she walked down the aisle.
"I understand it being annoying, but it that's what ur focused on during one of the biggest moments of ur life ... idk man."
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