If You’re Shopping for This Item in Central New York, Good Luck!
There is still plenty of summer left and with it, hotter temperatures. That is why I was frustrated with the lack of inventory of an important item.
For the last 17 months we have seen shortages on everything from toilet paper and hand sanitizer to home improvement items and materials. Now, at least from my standpoint, there is an important hot weather clothing item that is in "short" supply. Given the fact I have been putting on the COVID-19 pounds, I was in search for a few more pairs of khaki shorts.
After visiting several stores, I became very frustrated with the inability to find the summertime attire. Khaki shorts are convenient for many things and activities. Cargo shorts are also a convenience. What is not convenient is finding a large selection of them right now. After shopping for a few pairs at one national retail chain, an employee there told me they stock the shelves and they are gone almost instantly. Now, I am not a person who typically likes to shop online for clothes. When I do that, odds are they arrive at my door and don't fit. Then, back in the mail they go and by the time I would need them the seasons will change.
I will admit I only looked for the highly sought clothing item at three stores, but had little time left to look at a fourth and fifth store. If 2020 taught us anything, it is now very clearly that you can't take for granted the availability of any item at any time.