Wow! I can't believe that Labor Day weekend is almost here. It feels like summer just began and it's almost over already. It looks like it could be a good weekend with sunshine and temperatures in the lower 80's.

It's the weekend that we like to get together with our friends and family, fire up the grill, sit on the deck, and fill ourselves up with burgers and hot dogs.

One of the things that I've noticed about myself is that I tend to overeat and feel the burn...the burn that leads to Tums. So what to do? Here are some tips that could help you have a trouble-free tummy this weekend.

You are not on a timer, so relax and take your time

It's suggested that if you chew your food ten times before swallowing, you'll feel fuller sooner and won't eat as much.   My problem is that I have a tendency to eat like I'm on a timer and when I'm done my back hurts.

I've also read that if you drink water while you're eating, you won't eat as much. If that doesn't work, try getting up from the table and taking a little walk before you resume your "grazing."

Don't try to take everything all in one trip

I don't know about you but I have a tendency to pile everything on my plate the first time through the line. More times than not, you are allowed to go back for seconds. Here's something that I started a couple of years ago that I think helped me to eat less and lose weight.

I like to eat seconds, it could be the size of a saucer or plater, I'm making a return trip. So what I've done is to use a plate that's one size smaller than what everyone else is using.

Here's one that you may not have thought of, what do you eat first: Salad, burger, or dessert?

You're probably saying, "C'mon Glenn, everyone knows that you eat your salad first. Not so fast my friend. I'm a dessert-first kind of guy and here's why. 1) It tastes the best and that's the way I like to start my meal. 2) I will eat chocolate chip cookies or brownies, even if I'm not hungry but I won't eat the second (or third) hamburger if I'm full.

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So take your time this Labor Day weekend, whether it's at the picnic table or with your friends. Time flies by too fast as it is, so enjoy the things (or people) around you while you can.

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