The Last Thing You Expect Is Coming To This Vacant Oneonta, NY Lot
Following a fire that completely destroyed Christopher's Restaurant in Oneonta in April of 2017, I expected, as many probably did, that a developer would come along quickly and snatch up that property owned by Martin and Brenda Patton, to put something new and exciting there. It's fair to say that the loss of this great family restaurant with a unique rustic atmosphere was felt greatly by the community at large. In my own family, it was my kids' favorite restaurant (next to Friendly's) and one of the few places we could go without the kids arguing over it since they both loved Christopher's.
Well, fast-forward five long years of a vacant lot sitting there and everyone wondering if anything was ever going to end up there. Suddenly, an announcement comes to the ears of the media that the property on Oneonta's Southside and located in the Town of Oneonta will become the home of Hoffman Car Wash, according to AllOtsego. There are several locations in the Capital District so you may have seen this business there. This is what they look like...
When I learned of what business is going to be occupying this prime spot on Oneonta's Southside, I will admit that I was disappointed. I imagined something much more fun than a car wash. I was hoping for some type of clothing or shoe outlet since Oneonta offers very little in that department. What's that saying..."If wishes were horses, beggers would ride"? Or maybe this Rolling Stones lyric is more appropriate: "You can't always get what you want". Thank you Mick Jagger for nailing it.
So where do we go from here? Now that my initial disappointment has run its course, I can say that I am at least glad something useful is finally going to occupy that vacant lot which has long been an eyesore. It may not be my first choice of what I would like to see go there but I doubt I will have to wait in a line of cars when Hoffman Car Wash comes in because that's what I've experienced in Oneonta this winter. There always seems to be a line. It seems that we won't have to worry about that with this coming business?

What are your thoughts about Hoffman Car Wash coming to Oneonta? Let us know on our Facebook page.
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