Golden Guernsey In Oneonta Offers Reward For Missing Mascot
If you've ever been to the Golden Guernsey at 15 Main Street in Oneonta, then chances are you've met Butters the Cat, the ice cream shop's beloved mascot. He loves everyone and enjoys mingling with their customers. Sadly, Butters has gone missing since July 30th and the folks at the Golden Guernsey are very eager to have him back.
They need your help in locating him. Butters is quite distinctive (pictured above): he's an 18 pound, yellow-orange, long-haired, male cat and has been shaved to look like a lion. He probably looks a bit scruffy but he's very friendly.
If you have any information about Butters please call (607) 432-7209 and make sure to share this on your Facebook page. A reward is being offered for his return.