If you haven't gotten around to doing your taxes yet and are income eligible, you can get free help in preparing your taxes in Delhi and Oneonta.  SUNY Delhi students will be offering a helping hand through a program called My Free Taxes (MFT).  According to a press release from The United Way of Delaware and Otsego Counties, if you meet eligibility guidelines (individuals and families who made under $64,000.00 in 2016), you'll have access to computers and assistance on the SUNY Delhi Campus, Sanford Hall, Rm. 148, on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. now through April 1.  For more information about the SUNY Delhi tax preparation services, call Adriene Clifford at (607) 746-4102.





In Oneonta, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is still available for individuals and families who made under $54,000 in 2016. Make your inquiries and appointments by calling Catholic Charities at 607-432-0061.

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